This Social Impact Assessment (SIA) on the sustainable forest management (SFM) on Dungun Timber Complex (DTC) and Cherul Forest Concession (CFC) in the State of Terengganu, Malaysia, represents a follow up to an earlier SIA report prepared in 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2020 same site and subject. It has always been the intention of Kumpulan Pengurusan Kayu Kayan Terengganu Sdn Bhd (KPKKT) and Pesama Timber Corporation Sdn Bhd (PESAMA) as the manager and operator of SFM within DTC and CFC since nearly four decades ago, to continue to conduct such survey and assessment periodically from time to time and to see to it that the interest of the forest-dependent communities that live within the vicinity of DTC and CFC are well-catered for, by following as closely as possible the recommendations laid out in the SIA reports. At the moment, this SIA report will be combined between KPKKT and PESAMA to maximize the data collection and interpretation.